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Conservatives believe that labor unions do not have a place in the US. Unions represent only as small portion of the American work force yet they seem to exercise more power than they have. They strike for higher wages and better benefits, refusing to work till their demands are met. Conservatives see this as blackmail, because they wont work till they get what they want. Many of our most important workers have labor unions, such as teachers, or construction workers. Theses are key positions in the economy and if they don't work it throws everything off. They fail to see how their actions effect the world around them, that by striking they can make other people lose their jobs. And due to that fact that they demand higher wages, the cost to consumers will be high as a result. Conservatives wish to greatly limit union power. They also dislike that in order to be part of a unions you must pay dues, they think it is a violation to the workers rights. But all this is not to say that conservatives don't care for worker rights. But they do not think that labor unions are the right way to go about it.

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Some Liberals view labor unions as a way to keep worker's rights safe. They look at the unions as a way to help employees.

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