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There is no legal age limit. There are only recommendations on the maturity of the child.

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Q: What is the New York law on leaving children home alone?
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What is the law in Illinois for leaving children home alone?

The legal age is 14 for Illinois.

What is the law in SC regarding leaving children alone?

You can leave responsible children alone for short periods of time, but not overnight. Children at the age of 12 can be left at home for short periods of time.

Can a fifteen year old stay alone over night in Texas?

Some states have set a minimum age for which children can be left at home alone. Texas has not set a minimum age for leaving children at home, but it is best to consider the maturity and responsibility levels of an individual child before leaving them at home overnight.

What does the law say about leaving children home alone in England?

There is no legal age limit in the UK, it is left up to the parents discretion. However they can be prosecuted for leaving a child home alone for an extended amount of time in detrimental conditions. For babysitting you just have to be over the legal employment age.

What will happen if you are caught leaving your child under the age of 12 home alone?

You will more than likely have Children's Services called on you and there will be an investigation. You could have your children removed from your home or you could be accused of child endangerment.

What age can you leave a child home alone in new york?

There is no specific age requirement in New York for leaving a child home alone. However, it is recommended that children be at least 12 years old before being left alone for a short period of time. Parents should assess their child's maturity and readiness before making this decision.

What is the law in Ontario Canada for leaving children home alone?

I beleive it is 10 by theriselves and being able to watch their siblings, and 11 where they can watch other kids. :)

What is the legal age of leaving a child home alone for 4days?


What movie was 'carol of the bells' featured on?

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York

Is it legal or morally right to leave a 7 and 8 year old home alone before and after school in Western Australia?

Although it is not responsible, or morally right, there is nothing illegal about leaving such young children alone in any of Australia's states. There is no specific law stating at what age children may be left home alone in Australia. However, there are a number of welfare laws which raise issues that should be adressed before you consider leaving a child home alone for any length of time. The related link leads to the Australian Government's Parentlink page on this matter, which has more information and advice regarding leaving a child on their own. It details all of the concerns regarding the law and has advice regarding when a child can be left home alone.

Will you get in legal trouble for leaving a four and five year old at home to drive to the gas station?

Probably not, unless somebody notices. But its crazy and dangerous to leave two young children at home alone.

What happen if parent let children stay home alone?

Haven't you seen the movie? If a murderer comes along it will just be a hilarious series of events that lead to complete and utter safety...have fun leaving your kid alone.