

Revolution time of Neptune

Updated: 8/11/2023
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Rotation:17.24 hours Revolution:165 years

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165 Earth years.

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What is Neptune's revolution time?

It is 165 years

How long does it take Neptune to make one revolution around the Sun in earth time?

Neptune takes about 165 Earth years.

Which has the largest revolution?


Neptune takes how much time to complete one revolution around sun?

60,127 days

How long is Neptunes revolution?

164.76 Years for Neptune to revolve around the sun.

How much take time does it take to make one revolution on Neptune?

about 4 months or 122 days

How long does it take Neptune to revolution around the sun in earth time?

It takes 164.79 Earth years for Neptune to make just ONE revolution around the Sun. That's around 95 years longer than the average American lifespan!

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Which planet has the shortest period of revolution as measured relative to earths time?

The planet that has the shortest period of revolution is Mercury, which is 88 days. The planet with the longest revolution is Neptune, which is 165 years. Earth's revolution is the third shortest.

What is revolution in Earth's years?

Neptune's revolution in earth years is approximately 164.8 earth years. The distance from the sun to Neptune is 4.55 billion kilometers.

How long is Neptunes revolution in days?

Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun now that Pluto, formerly recognized ... The enormous distance that Neptune is from the Sun means that an astounding length of time is required to complete one full revolution around it. Neptune takes 164.79 Earth years to make this longjourney, which translates into 60,190 days.

How many years does the Neptune take to complete one revolution around the sun?

It takes 164.8 years to complete one revolution to neptune around the sun