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The English translation of 'No es lo que usted nacio pero lo que usted lo tiene en usted mismo para ser' is It isn't what you're born with but what you have within your very self to be. In the word-by-word translation, the adverb 'no' means 'not'. The verb 'es' means '[he/she/it] is'. The phrase 'lo que' means 'what'. The personal pronoun 'usted' means 'you'. The verb 'nacio' means '[you/he/she/it] were or was born'. The conjunction 'pero' means 'but'. The pronoun 'lo' means 'it'. The adjective 'mismo' means 'same'. The preposition 'para' means 'to'. The infinitive 'ser' means 'to be'.

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Q: What is the Spanish-to-English translation of 'No es lo que usted nacio pero lo que usted lo tiene en usted mismo para ser'?
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What does 'No es lo que usted nacio pero lo que usted lo tiene en usted mismo para ser' mean?

The sentence 'No es lo que usted nacio pero lo que usted lo tiene en usted mismo para ser' means It isn't what you're born with but what you have within your very self to be. In the word-by-word translation, the adverb 'no' means 'not'. The verb 'es' means '[he/she/it] is'. The conjunction 'lo que' means 'what'. The personal pronoun 'usted' means 'you'. The verb 'nacio' means '[you/he/she/it] was born, were born'. The conjunction 'pero' means 'but'. The object pronoun 'lo' means 'it'. The verb 'tiene' means '[you/he/she/it] has'. The preposition 'en' means 'in'. The adjective 'mismo' means 'same, very'.

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