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Q: What is the Theory of Einstein on brownian motion?
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Who discovered the brownian motion?


Did Einstein discover Brownian motion?

Brownian motion was named after the botanist Robert Brown, who noticed it around 1827.

What is the first invention of Einstein?

The first invention of Albert Einstein was the doctorate formula that accurately described the Brownian motion. The Brownian motion is used in Physics to explain the movement of particles in a given fluid.

What was Albert Einstein's most cited paper?

His paper on Brownian motion.

What theory of albert Einstein was not acceepted for a long time?

brownian motion was accepted early on, but his special and general theories of relativity, and his theory regarding quanta took longer to be accepted by all.

Did Albert Einstein discovered math?

No he is known for General relativity, Special relativity, Photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, Mass-energy equivalence , Einstein field equations,Unified Field Theory, Bose-Einstein statistics

Where is Albert Einstein known for?

He was known for: General relativity Special relativity Brownian motion Photoelectric effect Mass-energy equivalence Einstein field equations Unified Field Theory Bose-Einstein statistics EPR paradox

How did observing brownian motion develop a theory about heat and temperature?

Well when you observe brownian motion you can feel the heat and so the theory was developed from the temperature of the heat :) hope I helped

Who was the first person to propose the idea behind Brownian motion?

The first person to propose the idea behind Brownian motion was Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist well known for his scientific works.

How did observing Brownian motion help develop a theory about heat and temperatures?

Well when you observe brownian motion you can feel the heat and so the theory was developed from the temperature of the heat :) hope I helped

Was Einstein an atomic scientist?

Einstein was an atomic scientist inasmuch as he advanced the field of atom theory. His paper on "Brownian Motion" was one of the first to describe the free flowing motion of atoms in space. This question suffers from a question of intent. The short and long of it is yes, Einstein was a research theorthetical atomic scientist.

The random motion and collision of molecules in solution is called what?

Brownian movement also called Brownian motion I have the same exact question in my anatomy and physiology class <zeldatutor>I think it might also be called thermal energy<zeldatutor>