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There isn't any scientific study that tells that.

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Q: What is the average IQ of someone diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder?
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What is a great example of a person with a narcissistic personality?

A particularly vivid example of Narcissistic personality traits is Charlie Sheen. He displays at least 5 of the cardinal signs of the disorder, and his apparent lack of regard for others seems quite obvious to the average observer, let alone one trained in psychology/psychiatry.

What is average age for Dissociative Identity disorder?

Dissociative identity disorder is also known as multiple personality disorder. The average age of diagnosis with this disorder is around thirty.

Do narcissistic mothers produce children with BPD?

Sometimes. Narcissism (NPD) is in the same cluster of personality disorders as BPD (cluster B). People who have traits of ONE cluster B disorder are more likely than average to have traits of another cluster B disorder. So there appears to be some possible connections, and of course, lots of people can have a child with BPD anyhow, and narcissists should be no different. There are sites that have more information, like BPDFamily, Light's House, BPD411 and Out of the Fog. Some of them even have forums where you can ask questions and read up on the research and statistics.

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Can a person have histrionic personality disorder with sociopathic behavior?

Yes, just like someone can have both diabetes and high blood pressure, a person can have more than one mental disorder. Also, those 2 disorders are in the same cluster (cluster B), and having one cluster B disorder puts a person at a higher risk than average for having traits of another cluster B disorder.

How can you use average as an adjective?

Above average; average build; average distance; average personality.

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Is it helpful to tell the police if someone arrested for drunk and disorderly behavior has recently been diagnosed with bipolar disorder?

I guess you could tell them that, but if they have been drinking, that is still a crime and it doesn't matter if you are Paris Hilton or an average person cause you can't escape from law.

How much does a personality psychologist make?

The salary of a personality psychologist can vary depending on factors such as education, experience, location, and employer. On average, a personality psychologist in the United States can make between $50,000 to $100,000 per year.

What are the demographics of bipolar disorder?

Speaking for residents of the United States, currently the biggest demographic that suffers from bipolar disorder and depression are adult women. They suffer from some form of bipolar disorder three times as much as men.

Can bipolar disorder or OCD reduce higher intelligence to average?

There is no such effect.

What age is primary Raynaud's disease diagnosed at?

Primary Raynaud's disease is diagnosed following the Allen Brown criteria