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Q: What is the average distance from all the other planets to the sun in meters?
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What is the distance from mercury to the sun and other planets in meters?

Mercury is 46 million kilometers (28.5 million miles) from the Sun

What keeps the planets the same distance from each other?

Actually, the planets aren't all the same distance away.

What is scientific explanasion for any planets th do not fit the patten of the distance from the sun and the average temperature of other planets?

poo pee and boogers and all mixed to create ma sista

Why is the distance from earth to Jupiter not exact but is an average?

The distance from Earth to Jupiter is not exact but is an average, because both planets orbit the Sun. The distance varies because at some times Jupiter and Earth will be on the same side of the Sun, but at other times they are on opposite sides of the Sun. Why_is_the_distance_from_earth_to_Jupiter_not_exact_but_is_an_average

What are the different planets?

Mainly size, density, distance from other planets, distance from the nearest star, existence of satellites, age, shape, (The Earth is flattened on its poles.) and many other features.

Why does each planet have different facts?

planets have diffrent facts of other planets because of there size and distance from sun

If a car travels 3.2 meters in 7.256 seconds what is the average velocity?

The average velocity is calculated by finding the distance traveled and dividing by the time it took to go that far. In high school, many people learn rate x time= distance. The rate is the average velocity.In this case we have 3.2/7.256=.441013 meters per second. Note the units are meters and seconds so the velocity we have it meters per second. We can convert this to any other units once we have this. Much as mile or meters per hour.

What is the acceleration of freely falling body?

Near Earth, the acceleration (due to Earth's gravity) is approximately 9.8 meters/second2. In other places, for example at a greater distance from Earth, or on the Moon or on other planets, the acceleration due to gravity takes on other values.

What is the Distance from mars to other planets?

1.5 billion light years away.

Are there any planets that are less then a light year away from Earth?

All of the planets in our Solar System are less than a light year away, but no other planets around other stars are within that distance.

How many planets revolve around our sun?

Eight, as Pluto and Ceres are now classified as dwarf planets. The other eight planets are (in order of distance from the Sun):MercuryVenusEarthMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptune

What is stopping us from living on other planets?

The cost of getting there through spaceships, and the distance.