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The approximate life span of a rhino is unknown by many. Scientists have discovered it is about 15 - 20 years.

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Q: What is the average lifespan of a javan rhino?
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What makes a javan white rhino grey instead of white?

It's not an Javan white rhino, it's a Javan rhino short and simple. Unless it's a White Rhino being held in a Javan zoo.

Which rhino is the hairiest?

the javan rhino

How does the javan rhino get food?

The Javan Rhino is a herbivore and its diet consists of plants and other vegetation in the forest they live.

Where did the Javan Rhino originate?

The Javan rhino originated in the Eocene period around 50 million years ago. Today, there are only around 60 Javan rhinos in existence.

What is the adjective for Java?

The proper adjective would be Javan, as in the Javan rhino, or Javanese.

What are the javan rhino's predators?

Humans mainly.

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Javan rhino

What is the proper adjective for Java?

The proper adjective would be Javan, as in the Javan rhino, or Javanese.

What is the largest rhino?

The White RhinoThe Indian RhinoThe Black RhinoThe Javan RhinoThe Sumarian Rhino

How much does a Sumatran rhino weigh?

The Javan Rhino usually weighs 1500kg - 2000kg.

How do you pronounce Javan Rhino?

well you say it like javan,after the j is a long a then goes a another long a

Where do red rhinos live?

There is no such thing as a red rhino. There are five rhino species alive today. They are the white rhino, black rhino, Indian rhino, Sumatran rhino, and Javan rhino.