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The average year-round termperature is 74.83 degrees F. You can see the monthly averages for Tabor City by going to The link is to the right.

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Q: What is the average year-round temperature in Tabor City North Carolina?
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What is the average April temperature in North Carolina?

North Carolina has milder winters and moderate and humid summers. The average April temperature in North Carolina varies between the lowest 49 degrees Fahrenheit at Blowing Rock to the highest of 63 degrees at Wilmington. State capital Raleigh has an average temperature of 59 degrees Fahrenheit.

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The average year-round temperature in Greensboro, North Carolina is around 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Summers are typically warm and humid with temperatures in the 80s, while winters are cold with temperatures often dropping below freezing. Greensboro experiences four distinct seasons with moderate precipitation throughout the year.

What is the average yearly temperature and precipitation in North Carolina?

about 20 degrees to 100 degrees

Is North Carolina hot or cold?

North Carolina can get a bit chilly in the winter, usually 50s but colder days are quite normal. In July a normal temperature is usually 90 but can go down into the 70s. On average North Carolina seems like the perfect state for temperature, mild but still refreshingly chilly winter and warm and un-sweltering summers.

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Yes, it can because Charlotte's average high temperature in January is 51 degrees, and the required average high is 50 degrees.

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it will be in the 75 with no chance of rain and a posibble chance of 100

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What is the average annual income in North Carolina?

According to the US Census Bureau, the average annual income for households in North Carolina was $46,574 in 2008. This is under the national average of $52,029.