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The best diet to help combat GERD symptoms would be to stay away from foods with high contents of acid or salt and to try and include more calcium and soft foods. The point of the diet is to not disrupt or encourage the GERD symptoms to reoccur.

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Q: What is the best diet for GERD symptoms?
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Is there a diet that can relieve me of GERD symptoms?

There are two sites that have information about GERD, WebMD and and both suggest that the GERD symptoms require surgery rather than any type of symptom relieve because they don't work long term.

What kind of diet do people with GERD usually have?

Some foods can make GERD symptoms worse. You should avoid caffeine and carbonated beverages. It has been said that spicy and acidic foods can also trigger bad symptoms, as well as chocolate.

Does the gerd diet work for everyone?

All fad diets work in the short term. The Gerd diet will work in helping you to lose weight, but the best way to keep weight off is through proper diet and exercise.

What foods should I avoid while on the gerd diet?

To properly maintain a gerd diet is it is advisable to avoid acidic foods such as citrus, tomato products, high fatty foods, over processed meats, and products high in caffeine. A low fat diet is highly encouraged. Learning when and how to eat properly can help avoid symptoms.

Where do I find information about the symptoms of GERD?

You could ask your doctor about the symptoms of gerd throat and how to avoid getting it. They will be able to tell you if you have it, if you think you got it.

Where do I need to go to find out more about diet for gerd patients?

If you suffer from GERD It is best to avoid spicy foods and foods with high acidic levels. Check out for more information.

How long does a infants usually suffer from Gerd?

GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease) is seen in ~ 30% of infants. The majority 'out-grow' this nuisance of a disorder by age 8 months; however, a few will have it throughout toddlerhood. Usually diet manipulation and medications will mitigate the symptoms. GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease) is seen in ~ 30% of infants. The majority 'out-grow' this nuisance of a disorder by age 8 months; however, a few will have it throughout toddlerhood. Usually diet manipulation and medications will mitigate the symptoms.

Where can I find the GERD diet?

There are a number of good medical websites which list dietary suggestions for those who suffer from GERD. Most list basic items to avoid such as chocolate, alcohol, carbonated beverages, high fat foods, among other known irritants. One website with GERD diet suggestions along with other information on controlling the symptoms of the disorder is:

Can a gerd patient take Ibuprofen?

Ibuprofen and agitate the symptoms of acid reflux. Ibuprofen can increase the symptoms and severity of GERD. Studies have demonstrated that NSAID users were twice as likely to have GERD symptoms as those, who did take ibuprofen, Aspirin, and other NSAIDs. Always best to ask your doctor before taking any over-the-counter meds. If you must take ibuprofen and you have been diagnosed with GERD, taking the Ibuprofen with milk and/or yogurt may lessen the potential agitation.

What are the symptoms of a gastroesophageal problem?

You may be experiencing GERD, which stands for Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Symptoms of GERD include acid indigestion, trouble swallowing, and dry cough.

What if you have gerd and smoke weed?

I have GERD and I'm an avid marijuana smoker. My symptoms stay about the same whether I smoke or not.

Where can i learn more about the gerd diet?

My suggestion is to look up information on the gerd diet to see if it is what you want and what you require in a diet. Remember to check with your doctor before any serious dieting. Good luck.