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Astroglide is the best personal lubricant and is recommended by health professionals and clinics. They have a range of lubricants (Glycerin and Paraben free, Natural etc) that are very popular. It is non sticky, PH balanced for a womens body andcontains no sugar. It does not stain clothes or sheets, is very slippery and you only need a small quantity, whereas you need lots with the others. Its available world-wide

EROS is good, amazingly silky smooth glide, hypoallergenic, no sugar, superconcentrated and afterwards your skin is soft and silky, moisturised with no unpleasant residue. In Australia I get EROS Essentials from the supermarket. Great price. My partner and I love it and EROS waterbased is super smooth too - heaps better than KY.

Another good all natural lubricant that I have used is called "Carrageenan". It is 100% natural unlike most other lubricants. Both my husband and I have been using this for a long time now, it lasts very long. I believe this is their site:

Probably the better natural lubricant is Liquid Goddess. It is solid at cooler temps, and not ok with latex, so maybe not for everyone but is hands down the best tasting non sticky all organic lube.

KY was the original personal lubricant.

Standard KY is a vaginal moisturiser its so old fashioned. Most personal lubricants have sugar, preservatives and chemicals which make them sticky smelly and messy - you just want to get them off your skin - not pleasant.

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15y ago

The "best lubricant" cannot be applied to all things that need lubrication. Perhaps it would be best to have two or three "basic" lubricants for "all purposes" so you don't end up damaging anything. WD-40 is pretty universal, but an inexpensive silicone lubricant would be the best on a lot of plastic stuff that needs lubrication. Think before you lubricate. It only takes a moment to contact an expert and get a recommendation or look something up on the web. A lot of folks get into trouble using the wrong lubricant. If a car door is squeaking, a couple of drops of WD-40 might be a good idea to get some penetration. But a white grease would be best for the long haul, and it should be dabbed on at first opportunity. There are a number of lubricants out there, and a number of different types of lubricant. Why not just resolve to look up the recommended lubricant or ask an expert each time you are confronted with a lubricant choice? Become your own expert.

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14y ago

KY Jelly is highly popular. Lately, I've noticed that many larger drugstores have a variety of lubricants available. Remember, oil-based lubricants can weaken or even break condoms, so be sure to use a water- or silicon-based lubricant with a condom. (KY is water-based. Unfortunately, it's not really long-lasting.)

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In my opinion, Astroglide.

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Q: Which personal sex lubricant lasts the longest?
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Is hydrochloric acid a good sex lubricant?

Yes its so effective that it makes sex frictionless because the man doesnt have his manhood melted

Why does it smell after sex?

It means it's been a while since you showered

How remove sex smell?

The "sex smell" seems to come from the mixture of female fluids with male ejaculate (i.e., after the man has experienced orgasm). Bathing or douching after sex is will definitely remove post-coital personal odor. As for an ambient "sex smell" -- like in a bedroom or car -- time, fresh air (open windows), and removal of "used" sheets and/ or drippings of bodily "biological") fluids.

What does bring the baby oil MEAN?

Baby oil can be used for a sensuous massage, as a lubricant for intercourse or just to have slippery sex if you both get covered in it. I would say the person has an interest in getting oiled up with you and wants to know if you would like it too - if you show up with the baby oil - the game is on!

Is icy hot a safe sexual lubricant if no KY is available?

Caution: Icy Hot will cause severe discomfort when used on sexual organs. I would recommend not storing a tube of Icy Hot near a tube of lubricant, especially if you have sex in the dark. I learned the hard way when I accidentally grabbed the wrong tube. It felt good for the first few seconds, then caused a great deal of pain. There was no permanent injury, but it hurt for hours. I would not use it as a sexual lubricant under any circumstance. If you don't have sexual lubricant available, try foreplay. From Breanne: Um... don't use IcyHot as an internal lubricant AT ALL! It's not about the pain. It's about what IcyHot is made from. There are chemicals in IcyHot that will actually poison you if exposed to internal membranes. There's a reason the tube says "NOT FOR INTERNAL USE". There are a number of safe alternatives you can use to create uncomfortable sexual lubricants that won't put you in the grave. A small amount of Cinnamon Oil mixed with another oil like grapeseed works very well. Toothpaste (as odd as that sounds) is another semi-lubricant that will have the desired effect without leaving you dead. ( I personally recommend "Tom's of Maine", though I'm not sure they would appreciate the recommendation!) Anyway, I hope this helps and feel free to check me out at my blog! Just Google "Breanne NHPS"!

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What sould you do if your penis is too sensitive?

Learn to live with it it will ease of in time . Use a personal lubricant on it to make masturbation and sex smoother.

Why your Girl dries up during sex?

Unfortunately this happens with some people, there is often little you can do about it the thing to do is get some personal lubricant and that should put an end to the problem.

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It can be used as a lubricant, in case your body doesn't produce enough lubricant (or you are too impatient to wait for the natural lubricant).

How long sex lasts?

45 min

What are the two main purposes of a lubricant?

The main purpose of the lubricant is to moisterize the skin and not to irretate it. Mainly used for sex purposes and to massage the skin.

How do I make sex hurt less?

If you are a female over the age of consent and you have trouble with painful sexual intercourse you may simply have to get a personal lubricant. If this is not the problem then a visit to the doctor may be in order to sort out your problem.

Is vegetable oil safe to use as a lubricant during sex?

yes its better and also use zardari anus during sex

What did ancient Romans use as a sexual lubricant?

Romans, Greeks and presumably other Mediterranean cultures used olive oil as a sexual lubricant during sex or for use with toys.

How do have good sex?

well you should love the person you have sex with, also you should be trying to cause pleasure to yourself and your partner. you can do this by buying condoms and lubricant

Is hydrochloric acid a good sex lubricant?

Yes its so effective that it makes sex frictionless because the man doesnt have his manhood melted

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