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Step 1 Warm the milk for about a minute ( not to full!) Step 2 Add chocolate microwave for about 30 seconds Step 3 Stir cook in microwave until warm Step 4 Top with mini marshmellows and wipped cream Step 5 Add a tiny bit of cinnamon on top of wipped cream Step 6 Enjoy!

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13y ago

Look up Alton Brown's recipe, it's awesome!

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13y ago

Add too much milk and it goes cold.

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Q: How do you make a cold hot chocolate?
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Why does hot chocolate have more thermal energy than cold chocolate milk?

because hot chocolate is hot and cold chocolate milk is cold. LOL i need a real awnser

Is chocolate pudding hot or cold?

Chocolate pudding is normally served hot and I have never seen it served cold. Another response: chocolate pudding is often served cold, particularly when it is a cornstarch pudding or one of the chocolate mousse desserts. Types of chocolate puddings served hot might be steamed puddings or some sort of pudding-cake, such as the popular Hot Lava Cake.

What can you make with hot chocolate and ice?

iced hot chocolate

What is a chocolate drink?

Common chocolate drinks are chocolate milk and hot chocolate. Chocolate milk is a mixture of milk, cocoa powder and sugar, served cold. Hot chocolate is either hot chocolate milk or solid chocolate melted in milk.

How do you make hot chocolate without the mix?

you would just add chocolate bars to make hot chocolate that are made to mix with hot chacolate

Can you separate a marshmallow from a hot chocolate?

yes if it's cold no if it's hot

How do you take the chocolate out of chocolate milk?

Well, you can make instant hot chocolate and put water instead of milk....(although if its a health problem dont because most of the instant hot chocolates have powdered milk) and if its cold chocolate milk im not sure....make instant hot chocolate and cool?..

How do you make candy cane hot chocolate?

put a candy cane in hot chocolate.

Are pain au chocolate eaten hot?

Pain au Chocolat can be eaten hot or cold, but is normally served Hot as the Chocolate will be melted. This is preferred by most customers.

Why is hot water important?

to make hot chocolate!

What sound does hot chocolate make?

Hot Chocolate is a liquid drink, so it would probably make a sloshing sound.

What happens when a hot chocolate is partially submerged in cold water?
