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what are the example of tecnology basedon their nature

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Q: What is the classification of technology based on their nature and user gadgets tools?
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What are the classification of technology based on its nature?

The simplest classification would be such as engineering, hydraulics, lighting, electrical appliances, communication and so on. Other classifications are possible.

What is the three types of technology based on their nature and use?

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Can human technology challenge nature?

It certainly cannot as our technology is based on resources of nature and without could not exist, like fire can not burn without a fule.

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Classification of networks based on transmission technology?There are two types of networks are available in this transmission technology.They are1.Broadcast Network2.Point-to- Point Network.

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The purpose of this paper is to explore some alternatives to the traditional classroom-based learning environment through a discussion of three types of technology-based learning environments: Computer-based, Interactive-Multimedia and Adaptive.

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The classification system is based on programming language used: primarily Python and Java.

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Classification based on size refers to grouping or categorizing items or entities according to their physical dimensions. This can be done by separating them into different size classes or ranges to simplify comparisons and analysis.

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