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Copy this and past it in your Shop Description: <a href="">

</a><table border="0" cellpadding="3"><tr><td width="137" align="center" valign="top" style="color: #000000;"> <a href="" style="color: #000099;"><img src="" width="80" height="80"></a> <br><b> Kindness</b><br>Unlimited in stock<br>Cost : Nothing<br><br>


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Q: What is the code for neopian kindness in Neopets?
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How do you get to your items on Neopets?

To get items you need to buy them, or get them gifted to you by a nice neopian!

When is draik day?

According to the Neopets website, Draik Day is September 9th. If you are logged-in to Neopets, just click on 'Calendar' under the 'Pet Central' heading to view the Neopian Calendar with all of the Neopian holidays.

How do you get a usuki doll on Neopets?

You can find them at Usukiland, it's over at the Neopian Bazaar.

How much Neopets are you allowed to get?

You're allowed to have 4 Neopets, and if you want to get rid of one you got the Neopian Pound and click 'Abandon'.

How do you get to the pound on Neopets?

Pet Central &gt; Neopian Pound.

How do you change the time on Neopets?

Neopian time is the same for all players and can't be changed.

Where is the orphanage on Neopets?

You can locate the pound by hovering over "Pet Central" and clicking on "Neopian Pound".

Where is cockroach towers in Neopets?

Click on the Neopian Hotel and then select Cockroach Towers, if you really want to.

How do you read previous editions of the Neopian Times?

Just go to the newest edition of the Neopian Times. On the bar at the top, there should be a button that says "Archives" on the very left after "Home." Click on that, and you can read all the Neopian Times editions from the beginning of Neopets.

Is JubJub Roll in stock somewhere in the Neopian shops on Neopets?


Where is the Alien vending machine on neopets?

It's the Nerkmid vending machine. Not alien vending machine! In the Neopian Plaza.