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there is no connection between the size of your head and your femur bone

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Q: What is the connection between femur bone and head size?
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What is the acetabulofemoral?

* deep socket in the coxal bone* formed where the ilium, ischium, and pubis bones fuse* the head of the femur, the thigh bone, fits in the acetabulumAcetabulum is the area on the pelvis where the head of the femur joins the pelvis. It is a concave surface that allows for the forming of the hip joint which allows you kick your leg up.The hip has these two bowl shaped regions into which the upper femur fits. This is the hip joint. That bowl shaped region is called the acetabulum.

Which bone of the arm corresponds to the femur of the leg?

the "thigh" bone is the femur and the "bone of the arm" is the humorus. these bones are very similar to each other. they both have head of the humorus and head of the femur.

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When they do a full hip replacement what bone do they remove?

They will remove the head of the femur.

The coxal bone's cuplike socket for the head of the femur is called the?


What is the cup like depression of the coxal bones into which the head of the femur fits?

It is called acetabulum. Acetabulum articulates with round head of femur bone.

What is the difference between a female femur from a male?

The neck of the femur forms a shallower angle with the long axis of the femur bone in a female. Forensic anthropologists have found differences in the measurements of the transverse width and length of the head of the femur between the sexes, and have posulated this application in identifying sex of dismembered murder victims; however, there are significant differences between races also. The femur bone has many raised rough portions, and protubernces for the attachment of muscles, these are usually larger in males due to the greater pull of the attached muscles which are larger.

Where are the femurs in the body?

Your femur, or thighbone, is the largest bone in your body. We have 2 femur, 1 each leg. The head of your femur fits into your hip socket and the bottom end connects to your knee.

Is it true or false that the head of the femur forms about two thirds of a sphere?

True. The head of the femur, also known as the femoral head, is approximately two-thirds of a sphere in shape. This round structure fits into the acetabulum of the pelvis, forming the ball-and-socket joint known as the hip joint.

What type of joint is there at the thighbone and pelvis?

Ball and socket or spheriodal.The head of the femur, or thigh bone, comes together with the acetabulum of the pelvic bone.