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Saturn is one of the gassy planets and is huge compared to the size of Earth. Saturn has a diameter of 120,536km much bigger than Earth. Earth, however only has a diameter of 12,756km. If you were smart enough you would work out Saturn is 9.45 x Earth.

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no one really knows the diameter compared because it is still remained a mystery...sorry

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Q: What is the diameter of Saturn compared to earth?
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The combined diameter of Earth and earth's moon is 16,232 milometers, or 11% the diameter of Jupiter, 14% the diameter of Saturn, 32% the diameter of Uranus, and 33% the diameter of Neptune.

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The Sun's diameter is about 108 times the size of Earth's. (The Sun has a diameter of about 865,000 miles compared to Earth at 8000 miles.)

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How big is Jupiter compared to Saturn?

Saturn has a diameter of 120,034 km, and Jupiter has a diameter of 142,740 km Jupiter is bigger than Saturn. Saturn looks bigger because of its rings, but Jupiter is way bigger