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Q: What is the difference between compulsive liars and pathological liars?
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Related questions

What is the medical term for compulsive liars?

Pathological liar

What is a propulsive Liar?

A propulsive liar is someone who lies frequently and without hesitation. They may lie in order to manipulate others, avoid consequences, or enhance their own image. This behavior can be harmful and damaging to relationships.

What is the Sexual orientation of pathological liars?

There is no correlation between pathological liars and sexual orientation.

What is a pathological character?

A pathological character is one who has serious flaws that never go away or end. As a result, the behavior of the character will continue unabated indefinitely. The behavior of the character can be compulsive, obsessive and persistent. Examples would be pathological liars or narcissists.

What are different types of liars?

habitual chronic compulsive pathological and pseudologia fantastica

Is there a cure for compulsive liars?


Is there treatment for pathological liars?

No not usually

Do pathological liars have feelings of guilt?

Pathological liars may not experience feelings of guilt in the same way as others because they often lack empathy and may have a pattern of deceit. However, some may still experience guilt if their lies harm others or if they are caught in a lie. This can vary depending on the individual and the underlying reasons for their lying behavior.

Any support groups for compulsive liars in Boston?

They have a compulsive liars anonymous in Boston that you can attend. You can call a helpline for information about meetings.

Are pathological liars aware of their condition?

Pathological liars may not always be fully aware of their condition, as they may believe their lies themselves. However, some may recognize that their lying behavior is problematic but struggle to control it due to underlying psychological factors. Overall, the awareness of their condition varies among individuals.

Do pathological liars have a touch of schizophrenia?


How do you deal with compulsive liars at work?

The best way to deal with compulsive liars at work is to avoid them. If you notice any trouble starting, you can speak with your manager.