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Syntax and Loop are two completely different concepts.

  • A "Loop" is a programming entity.
  • Syntax are the rules and guidelines that define the structure of the usage of a language (especially in programming). In simple terms, it is the "Grammer" of a language.
Further on Loops: As the name suggests, a loop is a set of instructions given to the computer to continually perform a set of tasks only interrupted by the fulfilment of a condition. For instance, consider a loop in Visual Basic, for x = 1 to 10 'perform these tasks end for This loop repeats the tasks 10 times and then continues with the rest of the statements.
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Q: What is the difference between syntax and loop?
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What is the difference between do while and for loop?

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ewan ko

Is it possible to use a for loop in place of a while loop?

Yes. while loop consist of only condition statement to make for loop look as while loop we can use syntax shown below: for(;condition;) eg: for(;i<=n;)