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the cells of phloem are the only ones with cytoplasm

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Q: What is the difference between the cells that compose xylem and phloem tissue?
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Growth tissue between xylem and phloem that produces additional xylem and phloem cell?

i think it is vascular cambium layer............ :)

What type of vascular tissue carries water and minerals from roots to the stem and leaves?

False, Phloem tissue does

What is called the food conducting tissue of a plant?


What is tissue that moves food from leaves and stems?

Phloem .

What is the tissue that makes xylem and phloem?

The vascular cambium tissue makes xylem and phloem.

Growth tissue between xylem and phloem that produces additional xylem and phloem cells?

The dark center of a stem or root that is dead

Which tissue transports soluble products of photosynthesis in plants?

phloemxylem mesophyll ground tissue

What are the two different types of vascular tissue?

Phloem and xylem are the two main types of vascular tissue found in plants. Xylem is the tissue that mainly carries water, and a few minerals, in the system. Phloem is the tissue that carries photosynthetic materials through the plant.

What is the name of the tissue that contains seive tubes?

Parenchyma cells in "phloem tissue"

What tissue occurs between the xylem and the phloem?

I believe it is the vascular cambium layer, not %100

What is difference between hadrocentric and leptocentric vascular bundle?

The conjoint vascular bundle, in which one type of vascular tissue is surrounded by the other, is called concentric vascular bundle. When xylem is surrounded by phloem, it is called hadrocentric and when phloem is in the center, it is called leptocentric.

What does phloem tissue do?

Phloem tissue is the tissue in plant stems that carry materials down from the top of the plant to the bottom. Xylem tissue is the tissue in plant stems that carry materials up from the bottom of the plant to the top. An easy way to remember this is: phloem=LOWem. Xylem=HIGHlem.