

What is the disadvantage of microscope?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is the disadvantage of microscope?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of monocular microscopes?

The advantages of a monocular microscope is that it is easier to use than a stereo microscope, a disadvantage of the monocular microscope is that it only has a singular eyepiece, therefore, it is harder to see the image. The advantages of a stereo microscope is having two eyepieces, it is easier to focus the eye, and therefore, you can see a more three-dimensional image. A disadvantage for the stereo microscope is that it is a lot more expensive than the monocular microscope.

What is the main disadvantage of the electron microscope over a compound microscope?

You can only view non-living things under the electron microscope, while with the compound you can view living organisms

What was the disadvantage of the Leeuwenhoek microscope?

The main disadvantage of the Leeuwenhoek microscope was that it only had one lens. On the other hand, it had much better magnification and clarity than the compound microscopes that were being used at that time. The inventor was Antony Van Leeuwenhoek.

What is the advantage and disadvantage of using microscope?

you can go look it up on another website because this one isn't good enough.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of compound microscope?

advantage: cheap, multiple lenses, can look at live specimens. disadvantage: poor resolution, poor magnification

Why are transmission positron microscope and acoustic microscope important for understanding how living cells function?

Because only the Transmission Position Microscopes and the Acoustic Microscopes are able to magnify living specimen while the Electron Microscope has the major disadvantage of only being able to magnify dried, frozen, and dead specimen. We also wouldn't be able to learn much about living cells.

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Before they can be observed by using a transmission electron microscope, cells are sliced into very thin sections. What disadvantage does this procedure present in the study of cellular parts?

What are the advantages of an electron microscope over a light microscope?

An electron microscope can reach a far greater magnifiction than a conventional microscope. It is obvious that the largest advantage of any type of microscope is to observe an organism that can not be seen by the unaided eye. Light microscopes are easy to use, can magnify up to 2000 times, enable magnification of live cells and their movement, and are relatively cheap compared to electron microscopes. The only disadvantage is that it can only magnify up to 1000 times, after that the image is blurry, whereas an electron microscope can magnify up to 100,000 times! However, electron microscopes are extremely expensive, difficult to use, and cannot observe live specimens.

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What major advantage does a transmission electron microscope have over a compound light microscope?

The Compund light microscope allows people to view living cells. With the electron light microscope peole can only view dead cells but with very high detail. The electron microscope is also much more expensive than a compound ligh microscope. The compound light microscope is also much easier to transport from place to place, as the electron microscope is not.

What came first electron microscope or light microscope?

compound light microscope - cell theory - electron microscope

What are the various KINDS of a microscope?

Stereomicroscope, Compound Microscope, Phase-contrast microscope, electron microscope, Scanning-electron microscope, Transmission electron microscope, Confocal-scanning microscope. THESE ARE JUST SOME. :)