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heart conditions which could lead to heart attacks

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Q: What is the disease caused by cholesterol?
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What are the problems caused when containing high levels of cholesterol and salt?

Heart disease

Can skin disease be caused by high cholesterol?

Xanthelasma or xanthoma is a skin disorder sometimes seen in people with high cholesterol.

What are the causes of hypercholesterolemia?

The most common cause of elevated serum cholesterol is eating foods that are rich in saturated fats or contain high levels of cholesterol. Elevated cholesterol also can be caused by an underlying disease.

What causes Wolman's disease?

Wolman's disease is caused by a genetic defect (with a recessive pattern of inheritance) that results in deficiency of an enzyme that breaks down cholesterol.

Is heart disease caused by bacteria?

Not usually. The main contributors to heart disease are genetic factors, obesity, a diet high in cholesterol and/or sodium, and a sedentary lifestyle.

What is ismatic heart disease?

Assuming that you mean ischemic heart disease, it is the same as coronary artery disease, where the arteries harden. It can be caused by a build up of cholesterol and prolonged exposure to certain herbicides.

How can health be improved by decreasing total fat saturated fat and cholesterol and increasing monounsaturated fat?

Heart disease is caused by the bad cholesterol in unhealthy diets. Decreasing saturated fats will lower the body cholesterol that causes arthereosclerosis and blockages. Increasing monounsaturated fat, increases the good cholesterol in the body.

What are the diseases cause by food?

samonella is a disease caused by raw or undercooked eggs, poultry, or beef. e coli is also a food poisoning people can get from beef

Is cholesterol the cause of heart disease?


What kind of cholesterol is a major cause of heart disease?

Low-density lipoprotein refers to LDL or bad cholesterol. This cholesterol can cause atherosclerosis (a form of heart disease) because it clogs arteries. It contains very little protein and a lot of cholesterol.

What are the most deadliest diseases recently?

The world's deadliest disease is Ischaemic Heart Disease. This disease reduces blood flow to the heart. This is caused by coronary artery disease, smoking, aging, high cholesterol, and other factors. It is the most common cause of death among adults in the developed world.

Can vitamin C prevent heart disease?

Some studies have indicated that vitamin C may prevent heart disease by lowering total blood cholesterol and LDL cholesterol and raising HDL, or good cholesterol, levels.