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It is not speaking in degree of importance, but is speaking rather on the amount the wrote.Note the word total in parenthesis: Isaiah (37044), Ezekiel (39407), Jeremiah (42659), Daniel (11606)- are considered the Major, as they wrote the most. The other twelve are many times less in words wrote in content besides Daniel (where the next longest is close to half the word content (zechariah-6444)) and so are classified as the minor.

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Q: What is the distinction between major and minor prophets is based on?
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What is the distinction between minor and major prophets based on What book of the bible is some times referred to as a miniature Bible?

The major prophets writing is lengthy than the minor prophets. Isaiah is referred to as the miniature bible.

The dinstinction between the major and minor prophets is based on what?

The major prophets wrote more chapters and verses as well. Minor prophets like Amos and Micah had small books.

what qualified Daniel to be with the major prophets and Hosea and Zechariah to be minor prophets?

In the Bible, the distinction between Major and Minor Prophets is based on the length of the prophetic books rather than the significance of the prophets themselves. Daniel is considered a Major Prophet not necessarily because of his qualifications, but because his book is longer and more extensive in content compared to the books of the Minor Prophets. Similarly, Hosea and Zechariah are classified as Minor Prophets because their prophetic books are shorter in length. Each prophet was called by God to deliver His message to the people, regardless of their classification as Major or Minor Prophets.

Is Daniel considered a Major prophets?

The difference between "major" prophets and "minor" prophets is, basically, the length of the books attributed to or about them.

What books are considered Major Prophets books in the Bible?

Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Jeremiah are considered the Major Prophets. It is worth noting, though, that they have this distinction only because their books are far longer than those of the other prophets, not because they were "better prophets" or achieved a higher level of prophecy.

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The major distinction in this system is between consumer and industrial products.

Why are major prophets called major?

Major prophets are called "major" due to the length and significance of their writings in the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament. These prophets, including Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel, have longer books or prophecies compared to the "minor" prophets. Their messages are considered major in terms of their impact and influence on the religious community.

What is different between major and minor prophets?

The distinction between major prophet and minor prophet with respect to the Old Testament and Hebrew scripture is not necessarily intuitive. The minor prophets refer to a collection of writing of 12 prophets in a single book in the Hebrew scripture but broken into separate books in the Christian Old Testament (Hoseato Malachi). Major Prophet describes the longer books of prophecies in The Bible whose name matches the prophet it describes namely Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel.Elijah and Elisha would be considered in the top ten of prophets yet they are not "Major" prophets because their record is found in books of 1 and 2 Kings rather than in the prophetic writings. So the terms "major" and "minor" in this context refers to two groups of books and does not signify their importance.

What is the difference between the Major and miner prophet?

Major prophets, such as Isaiah and Jeremiah, wrote longer books in the Bible, while minor prophets, such as Amos and Micah, wrote shorter books. Major prophets addressed bigger themes and events in Israel's history, while minor prophets focused on specific messages for certain times and places. Both major and minor prophets were chosen by God to deliver His word to the people.

Who are the major Prophets of atheism?

There are no prophets of atheism.

What is the difference between the major prophets and the minor prophets?

The difference between a major prophet and a minor prophet is the length of the prophecies. For instance Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel had lengthily prophecies, whereas Hosea, Amos, Joel ETC had shorter books. The content in all the prophecies were/are important but some are longer and more involved.

What are the two types of Prophets?

The two types of prophets are major prophets and minor prophets. Major prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel have longer books in the Old Testament, while minor prophets like Hosea, Joel, and Malachi have shorter books.