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it will turn invisible

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Q: What is the effect of washing clothes with bath soap?
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Related questions

What is a washing mashine?

A washing machine accepts clothes, soap, and water, and emits sparkling clothes.

How to get dried soap out of clothes?

Usually a washing will do the trick.

What was name of brown bar soap your grandma used for stains on clothes?

Kirkman brown soap for washing clothes. Where do you buy it?

How do you prepare liquid soap for dish and clothes washing?

In the fabrication process of soap potassium hydroxide is used.

Why should clothes be rinsed after washing?

Since clothes are normally washed with some kind of laundry soap or detergent, they should be rinsed to remove the soap.

Is is ok to bath with soap in a swimming pool?

No, becuase the soap can hurt the filter. I recommend using a hose by the pool and washing the soap off with the hose.

Would you add a small bar of soap of the same volume of soap powder to some water when washing clothes?

No, you cannot use bar soap in place of powdered soap when washing clothes - unless you are washing by hand. Powdered and liquid soaps are designed to disperse quickly into the wash water, bar soaps will not do that. After the washing process, bar soap may remain as a bar (although a bit smaller) and then the rinse steps will not be effective at removing residual soap.

What is a clever science fair title dealing with soap?

Its depends on what type of soap but if you using bath soap then you should do on what bath soap dries out faster but if it's soap you wash your clothes in then you should do it on see what what soap gets out the stain best

What is the meaning of bath soap?

soap use in bath

Can you use parmolive soap to wash clothes?

It could be used for hand washing. Wouldn't recommend using it in a machine.

Difference between face soap and bath soap?

face soap is for face and bath soap is for bath

History of washing machines?

Ancient peoples cleaned their clothes by pounding them on rocks or rubbing them with abrasive sands; and washing the dirt away in local streams. Evidence of ancient washing soap was found at Sapo Hill in Rome, where the ashes containing the fat of sacrificial animals was used as a soap.