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An outer electron shell with only one electron.

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All elements of group 1 have one valence electrons

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Q: What is the electronic structure of group 1 elements?
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Why are Group 1 and Group 2 elements found in many compounds but not Group 18 elements?

group 18 has completely filled electronic configuration and hence are stable. group 1 and group 2 have 1 and 2 electrons respectively in their valence shells and needs to lose these to attain completely filled electronic configuration. hence they are reactive.

What is happening to the elements electronic structures in group 1?

In Group 1 of the periodic table, the elements have one valence electron. As you move down the group, the size of the atoms increases due to the addition of more energy levels. As a result, the outermost electron becomes further away from the positively charged nucleus and more shielded by inner electrons. Thus, the electronic structure remains similar, with one valence electron, but the atoms become larger in size.

Why size of 18th group elements is larger?

This is because, 1) Inter electronic repulsions between electron pairs present in the outermost orbit. 2) In 18th group elements vanderwaal's radius is considered.

Are group 2 elements highly reactive?

Reactivity increases as you go down the group. Radiom is far more reactive than Beryllium.

What are the chemical properties of group 8 elements?

They don't have one. Group 8 is noble gasses.

How are group 1 elements stored?

group 1 elements are stored in oil because they are highly reactive elements.

What is the number of valence electrons for the elements in group 1?

The elements in Group 1 have one valence electron in their outermost s orbital.

Elements of Group 1 Are Called what?

Elements in group 1 are called Alkali Metals, after that group 2 elements are called Alkali Earth Metals, group 3-12 elements are called Transition Elements.

What is the name of the family of elements in Group IA 1?

Group IA or group 1 elements are known as alkali metals.

What type of ions do the elements of group 1 form?

Group 1 elements are the alkali metals, which form ions wih a 1+ charge.

Which group of elements most readily combines with group 17 elements?


Why group 1 and 2 form many compounds with group 16 and 17?

Group 1 and 2 elements have 1 and 2 valence electrons respectively. Removal of these electrons will result in stable noble gas electronic configuration. Group 17 and 16 elements have 7 and 6 valence electrons respectively. Addition of 1 or 2 electrons to group 17 and 16 respectively will give them stable noble gas configuration. Hence these two groups are highly reactive and their elements will combine to form large number of compounds.