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Usually, your horse ages two months per day. If you use the water of youth, it will only age one month per day, so your horse lives twice as long as it normally would have. Also, if you use the WOY on a stallion, you'll have twice as many coverings on that horse.

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11y ago

The fountain of Youth is something that you won when the wandering horses came and if you finished in the top 100 in the grand prix you would of won it and then the wandering horse Shy would have come to stay with you!

Hope this helps!

AT the end of the 5 events, on Saturday, a Grand Prix weekly ranking is displayed: Only the best performance on each event are counted. To be ranked you must have participated in the 5 events of the week.

Sunday there are no events, it's rest day for your horses.

Following the weekly Grand Prix ranking:

  • The 10 best get an award on their profile page
  • The 100 best win access to the Fountain, who replaces the drinking trough and triples the gains in energy and morale!
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How many aging points on howrse does it take to get a foal?

Six on a normal horse, 12 on a horse with Water of Youth.

Does the water of youth give a donkey more coverings on Howrse?

no, it just makes the donkey age 1 month instead of 2

How do you unlock the fountain of youth on howrse?

you need to buy it at the black market

With the water of youth do you really have to wait 10 months before breeding again on howrse?

Water of youth slows the horses ageing to one month instead of two months every day. Your mare's gestation will now take twice as long as normal.

How long is 12 Howrse months?

Everyday you go on your horses page and look after it it ages by two months, unless your horse has the water of youth when it ages by one month. So assuming that you look after your horse every day and it hasn't got a water of youth then six days.

Is a mare on Howrse pregnant for a real year or can you just age her a year?

Your mare will only be pregnant for one year of her life, not a real-world year or even a game seasons year! If she does not have a Water of Youth, age her 6 times. If she does have a Water of Youth applied, age her 12 times!

How do you water your crops on Howrse?

you dont need to

Howrse- how many months until a mare has a foal?

12 months, a horse without the water of youth ages two months every day you visit, or two months every time you age her. a horse with the water of youth only ages 1 month every day you visit or every aging point.

How long is 6 months on howrse?

For your horses, 3 days. Your horse ages every two months unless it has the Water of Youth, which in the case your horse would age 1 month each time instead of 2.

What does water from the Fountain of Youth symbolize?

Water from the Fountain of Youth symbolizes eternal youth, vitality, and rejuvenation. It represents the desire for eternal life and the pursuit of immortality. It also symbolizes the concept of renewal and rebirth.

On Howrse how do you increase your horse's skills?

Ride, train, compete, and do lessons with your Howrse. You can use the water of youth BM item to double the number of lessons he can do, and pieces of cloud to send him back in time 4 months and do extra lessons. you add skill to your Howrse by doing all the rides, training and playing with companions until you can't any more, the training will go up on a scroll button thing and so will the rides so you know when you have completed them and you will only loose energy with the companion when you have done all the games you can.

What age does your animal have to be on Howrse for you to equip stuff on it?

It depends on what you would like to quip him with. You can use the water of youth from 2 years, tack from 3 years, and can no longer use the philosopher's stone after 25 years. Read the descriptions in the black market for each item to see when and how you can use it.