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It is in charge of collecting all documents signed by the president that form his official public actions. The officers in this branch also act as the president's personal and political advisors.

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10y ago

The Executive Branch is responsible for laws from Congress. The President is the Commander in Chief and holds the power of the Executive Branch.

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14y ago

They do what the ceo do with more headache

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Q: What does the White House office do?
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White House Office was created in 1857.

Where is the office in the White House?

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The president's cabinet is a group of people that run the various federal departments. All of the have offices in Washington, DC. They rarely meet as a group nowadays, but if the president calls a meeting, it will probably be held in the White House.

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White House Office of Urban Affairs was created in 2009.

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The Office of Management and Budget, (OMB), along with the President controls the White House budget. OMB is the largest office in the White House.

What is the name of the office of the White House?

The Oval Office.

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The senior member of the White House is the White House Chief of Staff

Where president's office?

in the white house