

What is the importance of sea routes of India?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is the importance of sea routes of India?
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What is the importance of sea routes?

The importance of sea routes is to keep product and passengers safe while traveling on the sea. A sea route that follows the Tradewinds, makes it possible for ships to travel with the wind at their backs to reduce fuel consumption or maximize the use of sails. Sea routes also make it possible to reach destinations sooner.

Why was their a need to find sea routes to India?

It was a need to find sea routes for easy transport of trades like black pepper

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How did development of the silk roads and increased sea trade contribute to the expansion of Indian commerce?

The land routes were supplemented by sea routes which extended from the Red Sea to East Africa, India, China, and Southeast Asia. In the late Middle Ages, transcontinental trade over the land routes of the Silk Road declined as sea trade increased.

What was one reason that Europeans began looking for sea routes to Asia in the 15th century?

Trade routes to India avoiding the Middle East.Europeans wanted a cheaper way to import goods from Asia.

Was one reason that Europeans began looking for sea routes to Asia in the 15th century?

Trade routes to India avoiding the Middle East.Europeans wanted a cheaper way to import goods from Asia.

What best describes the importance of vas da gamas voyage in 1497?

he found a trade route to India

What were the ancient Romans' trade routes?

The Romans' trade routes reached all corners of the Roman Empire. There were sea routes around the Mediterranean and on the Black Sea. There were overland routes through Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Thrace and Greece and though Illryria and Dacia in the east and through Gaul, and Hispania and Mauritiania (northern Morocco) in the west. There were the amber roads which reached Poland via Germany. There was the network of the silk road which connected China and India to the eastern Mediterranean via Persia. The Red Sea was a route for trade with Ethiopia, Arabia and India.

What was Dias' importance of sailing?

His discovery of the ability to sail around the southern tip of Africa to engage in trade with India (and Asia) cut the middlemen out of the overland routes.

What is the nearest sea to India?

the nearest sea to India is the arabian sea on the west of India or else the bay of bengal to the east of India.

What was the importance of Mali Ghana and Songhai?

they have given us trade routes