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As defined in the java programming language 4th edition:

The fundamental unit of programming in the Java programming language is the class, but the fundamental unit of object-oriented design is the type. While classes define types, it is very useful and powerful to be able to define a type without defining a class. Interfaces define types in an abstract form as a collection of methods or other types that form the contract for that type. Interfaces contain no implementation and you cannot create instances of an interface. Rather, classes can expand their own types by implementing one or more interfaces. An interface is an expression of pure design, whereas a class is a mix of design and implementation.


The idea behind this that an interface is just a "contract" where you can define methods a class will implement (better said (in OOP:) messages), but within the interface there are only signatures. No behavior for those methods... Then it class that implemets the interface will understand and provide an implementation for those methods (messages). So you can have a lot of diferents classes that implement the same interface and in any place you need that interface you can use any of those classes... that's one of the benefit of interfaces...


interface LifeBeing{

void breath();


public class Human implements LifeBeing {

void breath(){

// do something;



public class Three implements LifeBeing {

void breath(){

// do something else;



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Q: What is the interface and how will you go about implementing interface?
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Yes, by implementing SingleThreadModel interface

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Yes, Interface mehtods are public by default so that they could be implemented by every class implementing the interfaces.

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If a class has one abstract method ,the class has to be an abstract class.Methods can be implemented in abstract class.Whereas a interface is like a abstract class...the only difference being that the methods are never implemented in Interface.

When would you use interface in java?

An Interface is nothing but a contract as to how a class should behave. It just declares the behavior as empty methods and the implementing class actually writes the code that will determine the behavior. When you implement an interface, you're agreeing to adhere to the contract defined in the interface. That means you're agreeing to provide legal implementations for every method defined in the interface, and that anyone who knows what the interface methods look like can rest assured that they can invoke those methods on an instance of your implementing class. (Thy need not bother much about how you have implemented it. All they bother about is whether a method of the name mentioned in the interface is available or not)

What does implementation mean in java?

Implementation in java mean to accomplish some aim or to execute some order in java software platform. Your class can implement more than one interface, so the implements keyword is followed by a comma with separated list of the interfaces implemented by the class. By convention, the implements clause follows the extends clause, if there is one.

What is the use of interface in net?

Interfaces contain only the signatures or blueprint of methods, events or delegates and not the implementation. They're implemented in the class implementing the interface. They're used to specify a behavior common to all classes that implement them. The intricate details of how this behavor would be achieved is upto the discretion of the classes implementing them. Any class using them is bound to implement evrything specified in the interface. Hence one can be rest assured of this. They're good for data-hiding.

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What do you mean when you say that Java has two concepts?

You are talking about the implementation point view of Abstract class and the interface. Let's go. 1. Interface helps Multiple inheritance:- In java you can't have a class inherited from more than one class, i.e. the multiple inheritance. Interface helps us in implementing the multiple inheritance(virtually), because their is no such restriction in implementing more than one interface. But the Abstract class can't help you doing so. 2. Interface helps global declaration:- In C/C++, a header file holds the declaration of the functions and the symbolic constants. Similarly we can have a interface which is having only the symbolic constants which is same for all classes which implements it. And also the method have only the signature and the class which implements it is free to write the body at his own wish. Abstract class can't help in doing this. 3. Abstract class is more secure:- Because in Interface we have all the things public. But in Abstract class we can have private and also friendly members. 4. Interface is overhead:- Because in Interface we are bound to implement all the methods though some of them we actually need. But in case of the Abstract class we can override the methods which we want.

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