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Q: What is the largest Foreign object recorded in a human rectum?
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Related questions

What is classed as a foreign body?

A foreign body is called any intruding object originally originated from outside the own body. They can be swallowed or get into the own body from the rectum. Another possibility to enter would be by airways. Some examples of foreign bodies include coins or batteries.

How do you pull out a stick from your rectum?

If you have an object that is stuck in your rectum you will need to seek medical attention as soon as you can.

What the largest thing you can put up your rectum?


What happens if an object enters the rectum?

If an object is entered into the anus, it usually requires a trip the the ER to have it removed.

What are foreign objects?

"Foreign" means "originating elsewhere" or simply "outside the body." Foreign bodies typically become lodged in the eyes, ears, nose, airways, and rectum of human beings.

What is the CPT code 76010?

CPT Code - 76010 - Radiologic examination from nose to rectum for foreign body, single view, child

Does a horse bleed out their rectum when he colics?

No, and rectal bleeding is an emergency. You should call a equine veterinarian immediately when you see this! It means that there has been some sort of trauma to the rectum, either through an object being inserted into the rectum or even a thermometer breaking inside the horse. If not treated immediately the horse could die.

Is it the rectum first or the anus?

the rectum

What are facts About Rectum?

the rectum is attractive

Which bowel is connected to the rectum?

The large intestine does connect to the rectum.

What is the last part of the large intestine?

The rectum.the rectum or the decending colon.

What is digested in the Rectum?

Nothing is digested in the rectum, the rectum is the final storage place for feces before they are excreted.