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The length of time it takes to complete one full rotation

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Q: What is the length of a day on each planet?
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Does each planet have the same length of day?


Why does the length of the day and night vary from planet to planet?

Because of the difference in speed of rotation of each planet.

What planet's length of its day is close to the length of Earth's day?


What planet length in day is close to the length of earths day?


What is the relationship between the length of a planet's day and the rate of planet's rotation?

Yes; the faster the planet rotates, the shorter its day will be.

How do you work out the length of 1 year for each planet?

Take the length of the planet's orbit, divide it by the speed at which the planet is orbiting and VOILA! The "year."

What would you define the length of a planets day?

by the rotation of the planet

What movement of the planet makes one day as a unit of time?

It is the rotation of the planet one complete revolution that determines the length of a day.

How does the movement of the earth affect the length of its day and its year?

the tilt of the planet

What is the length of day for earth?

er..24 hours... what planet do you live on?

Which planet has a day almost the same length of time as earth?


What determines the length of day on a planet?

How long it spins on it's axis