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Q: What is the major difference between how the Democrats and the Republicans select their delegates to the national convention?
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Related questions

Why do Democrats and Republicans need a different number of delegates to win the nomination?

Because they have established different rules within their party. Democrats need 2382 delegates while Republicans need 1236 delegates.

In the primaries why do the democrats need more delegates than the republicans?

Because the rich talk the poor into voting for republicans, when really there just fraud's, making the democrats scapegoats, and they are actually very convincing.

How many delegates will each state contribute on super Tuesday?

I believe around 2,105 delegates are at stake in total.

What is the dominant party in Virginia's assembly?

It is divided with the democrats holding a majority in the Senate and the republicans in charge of the Virginia House of Delegates.

How many delegates to the conventions does Texas have?

Texas has a total of 228 democratic delegates, 126 delegates will be chosen proportionately according to the primary vote, 67 delegates will be chosen by the caucus process, and 35 delegates will be "Super Delegates". The caucus process begins at the precinct conventions and is completed at the Texas Democratic State Convention. So if you live in Texas you must go to the primary and caucus.

Can republicans nominate someone other than Trump?

Possibly, if they change the rules at the convention. The convention delegates are the ones who can revise the rules once each four years. It is not likely to happen, though.

What is the difference between binding and nonbinding primaries?

Non-binding primaries is when states can select candidates to a specific state convention and then select delegates for the national convention. Binding primaries is when all of the delegates must vote for a candidate at the national convention.

What did they call the delegates at the convention?

They called them delegates.

How many foreign delegates were at the constitutional convention?

There were no foreign delegates at the constitutional convention.

What did the delegates at the Annapolis Convention decide to do?

The delegates at the Annapolis Convention declared slavery to be unconstitutional.

What do political parties hold a nation convention on?

Both major political parties and some minor political parties hold national conventions every four years prior to the Presidential Election. Democrats elect most delegates from the states and territories. Some are appointed (superdelegates)-approximately 4,000 delegates overall. The Republicans State-elect 2,500 delegates. The purpose is two-fold. They establish a platform (stance) on national issues. They elect a Presidential and Vice-Presidential nominee. The conventions govern by rules that may be newly established at each convention.

How many people were at the convention of 1832?

56 Delegates attended the Convention of 1832. 56 Delegates attended the Convention of 1832.