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Mastitis is the medical term meaning inflammation of the breast.

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Q: What is the medical term meaning inflammation in the chest area of a woman?
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What is the Medical term for Pregnant woman?

Gravida is the medical term meaning the number of pregnancies a woman has had.

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What is the medical term meaning a woman who has never been pregnant?

A nulligravida is a woman who has never been pregnant.

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any inflammation is bad so yes

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Caligynephobia is the fear of beautiful women. I have not found a medical term specific to the fear of women alone.

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Fellatio is the term meaning oral sex performed on a man. In contrast, cunnilingus is oral sex performed on a woman.

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Another word for Pregnancy is Gestation.

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If a woman has a reaction to spermicide, she could experience vaginal inflammation, but there are no method that increase the risk of pelvic inflammation.

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A nymphomaniac is a woman who has a relatively excessive sexual desire. It is a rather vague term and has no actual medical meaning.

Why does a woman circle a guy's chest?

so they can do it

What is the medical term meaning woman who has not been pregnant?

A nulligravida is a woman who has never been pregnant. A nullipara is a woman who has never delivered a baby.Inflected Form(s): plural nul·lip·a·ras ornul·lip·a·rae \-ˌrē\: a woman who has never borne a child-compare nulligravida

What is the medical term meaning many pregnancies?

Nulligravida refers to a woman who has never been pregnant (or gravida 0).Primigravida refers to a woman who is pregnant for the first time or who has been pregnant once — in other words, from the time a woman gets pregnant the first time until she gets pregnant the second time, she can be referred to as a Primigravida (or gravida 1).Multigravida means a woman who is currently pregnant or who has been pregnant two or more times (gravida 2, gravida 3, etc.)