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Q: What is the minimum mobile phone usage of a GP STAR Customer?
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What is the British English for cell phone?

In British usage a cell phone is commonly known as a "mobile phone". This may be shortened to just "mobile".

At what age do you think a teenager should use a mobile phone and why?

In my opinion, children should be allowed the usage of a mbile phone at the age of eleven or twelve

What are the effects of mobile phone usage?

Alot of different things can happen, but people usually suggest a brain tumor.

What is the average battery life of a Sharp mobile phone for average daily usage?

The average battery life of a Sharp mobile phone is 3 hours when it is used on an average daily basis. The battery life of a phone is determined by the way it is used.

Where is the business Vodafone located?

The business Vodafone is located in New Zealand. They are a business that provides internet and wireless phone services to their customers. The usage of the internet and mobile usage can be monitored on their website.

Why you use sim in a mobile?

Because it is need so the network knows who to charge for your usage of their service. The Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) links the network, the customer's mobile number and account number together.

What is the monthly limit for Sprint Mobile broadband?

Sprint Mobile has a five gigabyte limit on their mobile internet service, though investigation shows that this limit was not always enforced. This was because their technology center were not actually tracking their customer's data usage.

Is there any Disadvantage in connecting mobile phone to computer for browsing internet?

Yes, a mobile connection is not very fast and if you have to pay for your mobile internet data usage, it will cost you allot more than a fixed line internet connection.

What is data usage on a phone?

what is data usage

What is data usage on a cell phone?

Data usage pertains to internet usage. Data can be affected by multi media messages with pitcures or videos, GPS, downloading apps, uploading to Facebook, as well as surfing the web.

How can i cater my home cook food by mobile?

In order to cater home made food from home with the usage of a mobile phone a site or ad needs to be placed. There are websites and papers that allow ads for catering and numbers.

Is the term bear minimum correct usage?

No, the correct term is "bare minimum," which means the least possible amount or degree required.