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This depends on the circumstances:

If you like to catch and handle snakes: the Black Mambawins, as it's venom is most potent. This snake is also aggressive, but as with most snakes, it's first reaction is to get away. When it tries to escape, and is confronted, this is when it starts to defend itself. The Black Mamba is very rare to see, and has a very lethal neurotoxic venom (destroys nervous system).

For most tourists, the Puffadder poses most threat, as they strive on surviving by camouflaging and ambush, therefore you do not necessarily see them until they have struck at you (take care when going to a bush toilet). Golden rule is: if you cannot see the ground in the terrain in which you are walking (as in very thick grass) then don't walk there. Puffadders have a REALLY nasty cytotoxic venom (destroys muscle tissue) and is an EXTREMELY painful bite.

Cobras also have a very nasty and potentially lethal venom, and some spitting species can cause blindness, either partial or whole if venom is spat in eyes, these often surprise tourists (although we hardly have any cases at all of tourists being spat on) when walking up to the big sociable weaver nests, as cobras often hang around these nests for food and shelter.

There are plenty more snakes, most are not venomous, and with most the worst that can happen is an infected wound due to dirty teeth.

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