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The #1 thing is to get a good sense of if the person that you are interviewing would be a good fit for their company. The goal for the first interview isn't really to hire the person on the spot. You need to first find out of the person would be a good fit for your company per the qualifications that you set forth for the job opening. The next round of interviews can get into a more detailed conversation regarding getting other managers and staff involved. It needs to make sense in terms of their qualifications however that really shouldn't be something to focus on since their resume should have been enough before interviewing them.

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This is a way for the interviewer to gauge your personal motivation and well roundedness. And, it is a personal question that only you can answer.

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Demonstrate the proper skills that the employer is seeking. >DETERMINE IF THE PERSON BEING INTERVIEWED IS THE RIGHT PERSON FOR THE JOB<

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Q: What is the most important thing that an employee wants to accomplish in a job interview?
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What is the most important thing an employee want to accomplish in a job interview?

Demonstrate the proper skills that the employer is seeking. &gt;DETERMINE IF THE PERSON BEING INTERVIEWED IS THE RIGHT PERSON FOR THE JOB&lt;

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No, that is not a smart thing to do.

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The most important thing an employee must have is the desire to work hard with integrity. Skills can be taught but if the person has bad work habits the employee will be more of a problem than an asset.

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The most important thing an employee must have is the desire to work hard with integrity. Skills can be taught but if the person has bad work habits the employee will be more of a problem than an asset.

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with-in 24 hours

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Answer If you have done that type of job before tell the Interviewer you have done it and if you left because of the job, tell them why. The worst thing a perspective employee can do in an interview is lie about something he or she has done in the past. Remember, lies always catch up with you, one way or another.

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