

What is the new medication for cancer?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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11y ago

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There are new medications for various forms of cancer, you cnnot generalise.


There has been a recent discovery in Japan that a special extract from a particular type of mushroom has amazing power to battle cancer. It boosts the immune system's ability to kill cancer cells by up to 300%.


There are some wonderful new drugs that either target cancer cell growth, inhibit estrogen receptions or change the way vessels supply blood to the cancer (angiogenesis). Each must be matched specifically to the breast cancer staging and receptor sites.

New claims for 300% kill rates on Breast cancer, if true, would HAPPILY put me out of a job. This would be a type of news that would banner on the front of Newsweek and Fortune, unfortunately this is not proven to be true (any more than foot pads remove toxins). The FDA, in May 2008, is attempting to restrict such unproven claims.

The best new research is shedding light on several areas that in the future may provide additional hope: intra-body chemical signaling to slow spread to other parts or the body, cell DNA regeneration and other new detection devices (thermal, laser, MDCT etc)

There are some studies showing Vitamin D may help in cellular repair and therefore play a role in preventing breast cancer. Either way Vitamin D helps bones strength.


There are several types of treatment available for patients with cancer, especially mesothelioma, some recommended more frequently than others. The most commonly used treatments are surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. In addition, some experimental treatments are becoming more widely used, or are showing some encouraging results in clinical trials. These treatments include photodynamic therapy, gene therapy, and immunotherapy, among others.

Most of these treatments are not used in isolation. In many cases, treatment may consist of a combination of therapies. For example, surgery to remove as much of the cancer as possible may be followed by radiotherapy or chemotherapy to remove residual cancer cells. This is one of the most common treatment options for mesothelioma among those who are candidates for surgery.

A number of alternative therapies can also be combined with traditional treatment options. Many patients choose to add alternative therapies such as massage, acupuncture, or TENS therapy to their conventional treatment approach in an effort to enhance or compliment the treatment process. A variety of alternative therapies, including aromatherapy, meditation, or yoga, are often added to a treatment regimen to provide pain relief and foster relaxation.

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