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Q: What is the period of time a plant is exposed to light called?
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What effect does light have on a plant growth?

When a plant is exposed to light, it undergoes photosynthesis. During this process, the plant turns light energy and carbon dioxide into oxygen and sugars for the plant to consume. Therefore, a plant more exposed to light will produce more food for itself, and grow more.

What is day neutral?

A plant that flowers regardless of the length of the period of light it is exposed to. Rice, corn, and the cucumber are day-neutral plants.this is usually because they have limited acess to light and has adapted to this environment

What effects does light have on plants growth?

When a plant is exposed to light, it undergoes photosynthesis. During this process, the plant turns light energy and carbon dioxide into oxygen and sugars for the plant to consume. Therefore, a plant more exposed to light will produce more food for itself, and grow more.

All but which condition must be present for light-independent reactions to occur?

the plant is exposed to light

What is a day-neutral plant?

A plant that flowers regardless of the length of the period of light it is exposed to. Rice, corn, and the cucumber are day-neutral plants.this is usually because they have limited acess to light and has adapted to this environment

How would a plant react if only exposed to red light?

The plant would never flower, it needs blue light to flower but it would grow normally....

Which process of photosynthesis can occur at night?

No, not unless the plant is exposed to light.

How does photo-tropism work in plants?

Plants have a hormone called auxin in them. When a plant is exposed to light and shade this hormone(auxin) reacts. For example: If light falls on the right hand side of the plant, the left hand side would be in the shade. This makes the auxin expand in the shaded area, causing the plant to grow towards the light.

What will happens to a plant exposed to air?

what will happens to a plant exposed to air

Which plant structure has the most chloroplasts?

Parts which are exposed to sun light. Main parts are the leaves

A student exposed two plants to only red light and two plants to only green light. Which plant will grow best?
