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According to UNAIDS, approximately 3.2% of the adult population aged 15 to 49 is infected with HIV - of these only around 4% are receiving antiretroviral drugs.

The rate of infection amongst women who have suffered sexual violence in areas of armed conflict is estimated at closer to 20%.

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Q: What is the prevalence of HIV in the Congo?
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Why is there a higher HIV prevalence in prisons?

because of have sexual relationship and lack of condom,injecting drug use, used needle,violence

What is Zimbabwe's culture?

Low life expectancy due to the high HIV prevalence and low incomes arising from a decade of economic decadence.

Which countries are affected by hiv and aids?

All countries in the world, with the highest prevalence on the African continent, especially sub-saran Africa

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Adult prevalence rate: 0.4% People living with HIV/AIDS: 9,700 Deaths: fewer than 200

First country to detect HIV AIDS patient?

a man living in Belian Congo in 1959.

What is HIV AIDS rate of Egypt?

Reliable information on HIV AIDS in Egypt is scarce,However prevalence of HIV and AIDS in Egypt is low - ranging from 2,900 to 13,000 individuals Most reported HIV cases are transmitted through unprotected heterosexual sex 90% of Egyptian women who live with HIV were infected within marriage Egypt has a very high level of Hepatitis C infection, a virus with similar modes of transmission to HIV

Can the HIV show up in normal routine check-up blood work?

No. You need to ask specifically for the HIV blood test. Some blood tests may alert the doctor that something is wrong. HIV-infected individuals may have abnormal blood tests, and there are certain abnormalities that are commonly seen in infected people. Should these abnormalities be found, it would be similar to the doctor finding clinical signs in a physical examination that would raise his suspicion. In areas where the prevalence of HIV is low, such as the USA and Europe, it is still unlikely that the cause is HIV - there are many causes for these abnormalities. Even in areas where the prevalence of HIV is high, these abnormal results cannot be used to decide whether or not someone has HIV - they still are often caused by something else, just as swollen lymph nodes are often caused by something else.

What are the origins of HIV AIDS?

Hiv orginated from Africa when hunters became infected with blood from rare subspecies of chimpanzees. The first know case of hiv was reported in 1959 from a man in the Congo republic.

What percentage of people have aids in Djibouti?

With a population of approximately 795000, about 15000 people are living with HIV/AIDS in Djibouti, giving it a prevalence rate of 2.9 percent. See related link.