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bool is_leap_year (unsigned year) { return !(year%400) (!(year%4) && (year%100)); };

unsigned count_leap_years (unsigned year) { return year/4-year/100+year/400; };

unsigned day_of_year (unsigned y, unsigned m, unsigned d);

unsigned long long count_days (unsigned y, unsigned m, unsigned d) {

return 365ULL * (y-1) + count_leap_years(y-1) + day_of_year (y, m, d);}

// compute day of year (January 1st == day 1)

unsigned day_of_year (unsigned y, unsigned m, unsigned d) {

static int DayOfMonth[] = {0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334};

return DayOfMonth[m-1] + d + ((m>2 && is_leap_year(y))? 1 : 0);


std::ostream& centre_text (std::ostream& os, std::string& str, size_t width) {

if (str.size()<width) {

unsigned spaces {(width-str.size())/2};

while (spaces-->0) os << ' ';


return os << str;


std::ostream& calendar(std::ostream& os, unsigned y, unsigned m)


using namespace std;

string Month[] {"January", "February", "March",

"April", "May", "June",

"July", "August", "September",

"October", "November", "December"};

string Week {"Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa"};

unsigned DayOfMonth[] {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};

if (is_leap_year (y)) DayOfMonth[1] = 29;

stringstream ss {}; ss << y; // convert year to string

string s {Month[m-1] + ' ' + ss.str()};

os << endl;

centre_text (os, s, Week.size()) << endl;

os << Week << endl;

unsigned first_day {count_days (y, m, 1) % 7};

for(unsigned i {};i<first_day; ++i)

os << " "; // three spaces

for(unsigned i {first_day}, day {1}; day<=DayOfMonth[m-1]; ++i, ++day) {

os << setw(2) << day << ' ';

if(i%7==6) os << endl;


return os << std::endl;


int main(void){

unsigned year,month;

std::cout << "Enter the month and year: ";

std::cin >> month >> year;

calendar(std::cout, year, month);


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Q: What is the program to compute calendar?
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What BASIC program can compute and display all prime numbers from 1 to 40?

PRINT 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37

Write a program in c plus plus to compute first of non-terminal?

there is no solution of this problem...........that's it..........

Write a java that computes the value of 2?

Compute means to calculate. What do you want to "compute", if you already know it is 2? If you want to show the value:System.out.println("Your number is " + 2);Compute means to calculate. What do you want to "compute", if you already know it is 2? If you want to show the value:System.out.println("Your number is " + 2);Compute means to calculate. What do you want to "compute", if you already know it is 2? If you want to show the value:System.out.println("Your number is " + 2);Compute means to calculate. What do you want to "compute", if you already know it is 2? If you want to show the value:System.out.println("Your number is " + 2);

Write algorithm compute sum of square of N numbers?

1. Design an algorithm to compute sum of the squares of n numbers?

Write the full program for the quadratic equation in COBOL?

Identification division. Program-id. Quadratic. Environment division. Data division. Working-storage section. 01 a pic 9(3) value 0. 01 b pic 9(3) value 0. 01 c pic 9(3) value 0. 01 d pic 9(3) value 0. 01 e pic 9(3) value 0. 01 f pic 9(3) value 0. 01 g pic 9(3) value 0. 01 h pic 9(3) value 0. 01 x1 pic 9(3) value 0. 01 x pic z(3).z(2) value 0. 01 x2 pic 9(3) value 0. 01 y pic z(3).z(2) value 0. Procedure division. Display "Written by Martin O. Egua, but not complete". Display "Quadratic equation solver for three values a, b &amp; c" Display "Enter a number: " Accept a. Display "Enter the second number: " Accept b. Display "Enter the last number: " Accept c. compute d = (b * b) compute e = 4 * a * c compute f = 2 * a compute g = d - e compute h = function sqrt (g). compute x1 = (-b) + h compute x = x1 / f Display "X = " x compute x2 = (-b) - h compute y = x2 / f Display "Y = " y Display "Send the accurate program". Stop run.

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