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The purpose of any elliptical machine is for aerobic exercise and to get into shape and lose weight, or stay in shape. An elliptical trainer can burn as many as 600 calories an hour and does not put stress on the joints like running does.

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Q: What is the purpose of the best elliptical machine?
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What's the best elliptical machine?

The best elliptical machine is Electromagnetic Brake Resistance.

What is the purpose of a Tunturi Elliptical machine?

As with any elliptical machine, the Tunturi Elliptical is meant for exercise routines. An elliptical machine offers a low-impact cardiovascular workout for both the arms and legs at the same time.

What are the best elliptical machine reviews and why?

You can find some of the best elliptical machine reviews at There are numerous brands and thoughtful reviews.

Best Elliptical Machines?

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What are the best elliptical machines on the market?

There are many great elliptical machines on the market currently. The best overall elliptical machine is the Precor EFX 5.33.

What is the best workout machine at the gym?

There are many different machines at the gym and they all work out a different set of muscles. The best machine will change depending on what your goal is. For cardio the elliptical might be the best but for runners the treadmill might serve a better purpose.

Who makes the best elliptical machines?

The best machine is the Precor EFX 5.33. Why is it the best? Because Precor, the company, actually invented the first elliptical machine. It's a state of the art machine with as many bells and whistles as you could possible want. You want to get in shape? This machine will get you there!

What is a good price to pay for an elliptical machine?

According to Lance Armstrong, you get what you pay for when purchasing elliptical machines. I think a visit to his website would provide the information you need about purchasing elliptical machines:

What are the best elliptical trainers available?

The best elliptical trainer on the market that is the best bang for the buck is the Precore EFX 5.25. The elliptical has a lifetime warranty on the machine's frame. It was rated 9.8/10 for the elliptical's accessories. It was also rated 9.5/10 for the help & support.

What elliptical machine is top rated?

There are different things to consider when looking at a top-rated elliptical machine. There are top quality, top quality on a bidget, club quality, etc. Here is a list of top elliptical machines:

Where is the best deal and specifications on elliptical machines?

The best deal for an elliptical machine would be the deal that would include an exercise bundle. These bundles could include more than the elliptical for a lower price.

What are the best elliptical machines on the market and why are they the best.?

The best elliptical machine exercise equipment on the market is soletreadmills. Its prices is the good value and highly recommended by many exercise trainer.