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Q: What is the relationship of one computer system components to the other components?
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What manages the processor and all other components of the computer system?

The Operating System

Manages the processor and all other components of the computer system and is an essential part of the operating system?


What is the relationship of one computer component system to the other component?


What is the use of processer in a computer?

the processor is improve the system speed and it is give the commands of the other components

Explain the components of operating system?

There are several components of the operating system which facilitate the proper functioning of a computer system. The main component if the kernel which is broken down into CPU, memory and other devices.

Which is a correct description of a system?

A system is a set of interconnected components or parts that work together to achieve a common goal. It can be physical, such as a computer system, or abstract, such as a social system. The components of a system interact with each other and are dependent on each other to function as a whole.

What difference ifanyare there between a list of components derived from a physical inspection versus a list of components derived from your computer and your system properties?

My Computer->System Properties will only tell you the components that the operating system has device drivers for. On the other hand, a physical inspection might reveal more components, but they would only operate correctly if the device drivers are installed in the software.

Which three system resources are commonly used for communitacion between the CPU or memory and other components in the computer?

System Bus, Address Bus & Control Signals.

What does compatiblity mean in computer hardware?

Components within a computer need to be able to work with each other. this is called compatability. Usually a system builder would start with a computer CPU (Central prosessing unit) and find the best compatible motherboard for the cpu. Then from there would find the best compatible Memory, and other components

What is the difference between computer system and computer based system?

computer is the physical thing that you see and touch, it is also called hardware. while the computer system, it is the computer applications and programs that you use it is also called the software.

How the spine cord interact with the other components in the system?

how does the spine cord interact with the other components

Where is the interior computer?

Within the case that you call your computer there is a motherboard and all the other key components of your computer.