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The answer is loam.

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Q: What is the rich fertile soil that is made up of about equal parts of clay sand and silt?
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What is the soil made of equal parts clay sand and silt?


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What is soil called that is made up of equal parts of clay sand and silt?

Your answer is Loam soil or terreau and it's the healthyest for plants.

Why is loess soil usually fertile?

its usually made of sand or clay and its really grainy

How can a plastic clay be made porous?

clay could be made pourous if we add water to it to soften it and remove all hard parts of it

What were three contributions made by the ancient peoples living in the fertile crescent and the mediterranean?

They Contributed is the Clay Tablet, Ziggurats, and Records

What is loam and what is humus?

HUMUS IS A DARK-COLORED,MINERAL SUBSTANCE THAT DEVELOPS AS DEAD PLANTS AND ANIMALS.loam is soil with a crumbly texture that is made of equal parts of clay,sand,and silt.

Does pampas have great fertile soil?

yes, the pampas soil is largely made up of fine sand, clay, and silt; almost wholly free from pebbles and rocks. This makes us great for agriculture since it is so fertile.

What are Greek houses made of?

gree houses were in fact made from bricks, stones, and clay which are frequently used today in America and other parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa. so yes greek houses are made from stone.

What is oven baked clay made from?

Clay is made of clay ...