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the Niger River

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Q: What is the river in western Africa that empties into the gulf of Guinea?
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What is the major river in western Africa that empties into the the gulf of guinea?

Niger river

What is the major river in western africa that empties in gulf of guinea?

The answer for that question is the NIGER RIVER

The Niger River empties into what ocean?

The River Niger empties into the Gulf of Guinea :)

What is the major river in westren africa that empties into the gulf of guinea?

the senegal river

What is the major river in western Africa that empties out into the gulf of Mexico?

Niger river

What river in Africa starts with S?

The Senegal River is a river in western Africa. The Senegal flows through Mali and Senegal and empties into the Atlantic Ocean.

What river empties into a sea in Africa?

Several: Let's start with the World's longest, the Nile River that empties out into the Mediterranean Sea. Then there's the Congo River that empties out into the Atlantic Ocean, the Limpopo River that empties out into the Indian ocean, and countless others. !

A river that is on the western border of ms and empties into the gulf of Mexico?

The Missisippi river.

What river is between Zimbabwe and south Africa?

The river that is between South Africa and Zimbabwe is Limpopo. The Limpopo river starts in Botswana and empties in the Indian Ocean.

Which country in Africa has a major river that empties in the ocean?


What does longest river in Africa empty into?

The longest river in Africa is the Nile River and it empties into the Mediterranean Sea near Alexandria in Egypt

The Niger river is located in what coutries?

It runs through Guinea, Mali, Niger, Benin and Nigeria, which is in western Africa.