

What is the son of Zeus' full name?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What is the son of Zeus' full name?
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Zeus full name?

his full name is just zeus

What is the name of Zeus's son?

Zeus had many sons. His most popular son is Hercules.

What is Zeus full name?

Zeus is another name for Jupiter

What is the name of Zeus and Demeter's son?

The name of Zeus and Demeter's son is Persephone, who is also known as the goddess of the harvest.

Name some of the demigods in Greek-mythology.?

If by demigod you mean a mortal who had an immortal for a parent, there was Heracles, son of Zeus; Perseus, son of Zeus; Orpheus, son of the Muse Calliope; Achilles, son of the sea nymph Thetis; Deucalion, son of the Titan Prometheus; Phaethon, son of Helios; Asclepius, son of Apollo; Minos, Sarpedon, and Radamanthus, sons of Zeus; Tantalus, son of Zeus; Helen, daughter of Zeus; and Pollux, son of Zeus.

Is Aquarius the son of Zeus?

There is no Greek mythological figure by the name of Aquarius. The constellation is supposed to represent Ganymede, who was not Zeus's son, but a Trojan prince abducted by Zeus to be the god's cupbearer and lover.

What was the name of the demigod son of Zeus and alcmene?

Heracles or Hercules

Who was the son of Zeus that was a hero?

The son of Zeus was Hercules

Who was Zeus' son the God of War?

Greek namE Ares roman name Mars

What is the story behind Zeus' name?

Zeus hmmm Zeus is a greek god a greek legend and a hero a greek king and he has a son called hhhhhheeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrccccccccccccccuuuuuuuulllllllllleeeeeeeeesssssss Zeus hmmm Zeus is a greek god a greek legend and a hero a greek king and he has a son called hhhhhheeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrccccccccccccccuuuuuuuulllllllllleeeeeeeeesssssss

What goddess sprouted straight out of Zeus' head?

The goddess that didn't sprang out of Zeus' head was Athena. Earlier, Zeus had swallowed his wife Metis because he was told that if Metis had a son, that the son would overthrow his father. Later, Zeus got a pounding headache. He told Hephaestus (his son by Hera) to cut open Zeus' head. Then, Athena jumped out, in full armor and ready for a battle.

Why did Zeus gave birth to Athenas?

Zeus and Metis were going to have a daughter or son. He found out that if he had a son, his son would overthrow him like Zeus did to Kronos. Zeus tricked Metis into turning in to a fly by saying that she was too powerful to do so. He then ate Metis. Later, he had a pain in his head and told his cupbearer to take an ax and split Zeus's head. Athena sprang out of him in full battle armor.