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Q: What is the state of frequencies of the electromagnetic waves emitted by the atoms of an element?
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What was The quantum theory of energy levels within atoms was aided by?

The quantum theory of energy levels within atoms was aided by the emission spectrum. When excited with light, different elements emitted photons of different frequencies. The frequencies were different because the energy difference from excited to low energy state was different depending on the element.

What are Frequencies of light emitted by an element called?

"Spectrogram" is a word used to describe the set of specific characteristic frequencies of light which are emitted by a given chemical element when it is sufficiently excited by heat or by some other means.Alternatively, a scientific technique known as "spectroscopy" can be used to identify the elements in some matter of unknown composition and also the emission spectra of molecules can be used in chemical analysis of substances.Because each element's emission spectrum is unique, the "emission spectrum" of a chemical element or chemical compound can be used to help identify what it is. The "emission spectrum" is the name given to the relative intensity of each frequency of electromagnetic radiation by the element's atoms or a compound's molecules when they are returned to a ground state.

What is a high energy ray emitted from some radioactive atoms that is not affected by a magnetic field?

This is a gamma ray. It is very high frequency electromagnetic radiation.

According to the bohr model atoms adsorb electromagnetic radiation with frequencies that correspond to which of the following?

The answer is (The energy necessary to move an electron from one orbit to another)

How is an emission spectrum of an element generated?

All hot solids or dense enough gases emit black body radiation. Gases that are not very dense are are cold absorb particular wavelengths while gases that are not dense but are hot produce their characteristic emission spectrum.

What does dualistic character of electromagnetic radiation mean?

EM waves at frequencies below ultraviolet are analyzed using wave theory and do not ionize atoms. At UV and above they are analyzed as particles and are capable of ionizing any atoms. That is their dual nature.

Why do cations emit colors when heated in a Bunsen burner flame?

Transitions between electronic energy levels release electromagnetic radiation corresponding to the energy difference between the levels. The heat promotes the electrons to the higher level; when they drop back down to the lower level a specific color of light is emitted.

What is the atomic emission spectra?

The colors of light given off when an element loses energy

What measurement would you use to measure a stars elemental composition?

If you want to know the elemental composition of a star, you look for the elements' fingerprints. These are in the form of line spectra, since each element has its own particular set of spectral lines. Atoms in the star's atmosphere will absorb their characteristic frequencies from the cavity radiation emitted from the star due to its temperature. Color

Why are only certain colors of light absorbed by and emitted from an atom?

Because the electrons of the atom are in specific energy levels. Therefore the emission of light is dependent upon the energy levels of the atom. F A B I N

One indicator that electrons in atoms are limited to specific energy levels is that?

light emitted from excited atoms occurs only at specific wavelengths

What is the number of atoms in an element?

The number of atoms in an element depends on WHAT element AND how much of that element.