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The normal temperature of the stomach is 98.6 degrees - with some slight variation in the morning, at night and according to our own personal physiology.

After consuming something cold - like a bowl of ice cream the temperature would be lower until the substance is warmed by stomach contents (stomach acid).

When the stomach is very full, the temperature of the stomach will rise according to the amount of energy produced to facilitate digestion.

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15y ago

This question has a funny answer, but to answer you outright, the human body's stomach temperature is the same as the human body's core temperature which is approximately 37 degrees Celsius, or 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

However, if you eat something colder, or something warmer, and measure the temperature of your stomach immediately afterward, it can show dramatically different temperatures. Also, the temperature and be a variation of how full your stomach is, as it is doing more work, heating up in order to do its job.

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14y ago

The stomach should be the same temperature as a human's core temperature. Normal is 98.6 orally, 97.6 axillary (armpit) and 99.6 (rectally). The temperature inside the stomach is affected by the temperature of what is ingested. If you drink an ice smoothie, your stomach will be colder until the stomach contents have warmed to body temperature. Since the rectal temperature is closer to the inside of the stomach than the mouth, a rough guess is 99.8 in healthy non-febrile (no fever) humans.

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After cold drink what is person's body temperature?

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