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Poetry goes unappreciated, the lifestyle of a poet is not respected. people did not appreciate their works. For poet, everything that they do have the meaning beside it. Throughout the poem Wordsworth teaches the boy about observance and poetry, but transgresses this on his death bed because he realizes that if the boy follows in his foot steps he will be unappreciated by society as he was. The boy still can good values from the poet. For instance, learn how to observe everything that happened around us and express it in the poem. In contrast, the boy cannot follow the poet life because he was so lonely and he was unsocial person.

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The theme in "B. Wordsworth" by V.S. Naipaul revolves around the power of imagination and the importance of human connection. It explores how storytelling can bridge the gap between social classes and provide comfort and solace in difficult circumstances. The story highlights the transformative impact of literature and the shared human experience.

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