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Q: What is the simple predicate in the sentence Some valuable objects can be found at flea markets and garage sales?
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Can an adverb be a sentence complement?

Yes, an adverb can be a sentence complement. Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs in a sentence to add more information or detail. They often provide answers to questions such as how, when, where, or to what extent an action is performed.

Can you give me an example of a complete subject and a complete predicate in the same sentence?

It is impossible to form a sentence without a complete subject and a complete predicate. Those are the two required constituent parts of any sentence. The subject is the simple subject and any of its associated parts, such as adjectives, and the predicate is the verb and any of its associated parts, such as adverbs and predicate objects. The shortest possible sentence in the English language is, "I am." The subject is "I" and the predicate is "am."

What is the simple predicate in this sentence This amazing museum has more than 14000 objects in its collection?


What are the principal uses of nouns in a sentence?

Nouns typically appear as subjects, direct objects, indirect objects, noun appositives, predicate nouns, or as objects of prepositions.

When diagramming a sentence do direct object predicate nominatives and predicate adjectives go on the right side of the main line?

Yes it does: Direct Objects on a straight line Predicate Nominatives and adjectives on a slanted line

What is the role of predicate in grammar?

In grammar, the predicate is the part of a sentence that contains the verb and provides information about the subject. It typically includes any words or phrases that modify the verb or complete its meaning, such as objects, complements, or adverbial phrases. The predicate helps to convey the action or state of being described by the verb in a sentence.

What is a sentence for burglar?

The burglar was caught red-handed by the police while trying to break into the house.

What are direct objects indirect objects predicate nominatives predicate adjectives?

Direct objects receive the action of the verb.Carl built a house. (a house is the direct object)Indirect objects receive the direct object.Martha handed me her hat. (her hat is the direct object; me is the indirect object)Predicate nominatives and predicate adjectives follow a linking verb and rename or describe the subject.Carl is a carpenter. (a carpenter is the predicate nominative)Martha is happy. (happy is the predicate adjective)

What is a example of a compound predicate sentence using the word catalog?

A large catalogue shows the prices of many objects that can be ordered and can also be a useful paperweight.

What is a verb and apredicate?

The verb is the word in a sentence or clause that the subject is (being verbs) or is doing (action verbs); the predicate is the part of the sentence that includes the verb and everything that comes after it, the direct and indirect objects.

What is the function of the complement shown in parentheses in this sentence?

indirect objects Allie---object complement A+LS Australian Shepard----- Direct object A+LS (:

What is the action verb in this sentences some vauable objects can be found at flea markets and garage sales?

Found is the action verb in that sentence.