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The naked eye will see this common Zygomycota fungus look like a fuzzy growth with tiny black dots at the top of this fuzz. The black dots are sporangia growing at the ends of special hyphae. But, if seen under a microscope, this black bread mold can be described as "a bunch of long threads", actually known as mycelia.

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Eino Rolfson

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2y ago
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12y ago

Black Mold is a greenish-black fungus found worldwide that colonizes particularly well in high-cellulose material like drywall, carpet, wallpaper, fiberboard, ceiling tiles, thermal insulation, etc. It will grow where the humidity is above 55%.

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Q: What does black mold look like?
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What does toxic black mold look like?

Toxic black mold may start out looking like small black spots on the wall, floor, ceiling or area that it is growing. They tend to cluster together in spots and can look like a splatter of dirt. Early on they can look like insect waste but they will grow and don't simply wipe away.

What should I look for to distinguish black mold in pictures?,, and will all help you differentiate between black mold and other molds. Black mold is usually in spots or blotches on walls underneath wallpaper or on dry wall. It is black in color and looks like decay or severe black staining.

Explain the life cycle of a Rhizopus? favorite topic. On top of bread there is mold and under a microscope it looks like a tree with a white stem and a sphere shaped round black top. It comes like that and from the sporangia more mold is made. The black round spores which look like pollen and are black are the mold spores. It is hard to desride through the internet but the spores land and begin to grow more...they decompose the bread. It begins as a mold spore which reproduces rapidly and then comes as tall with more mold spores that fall. On bread it looks like white as more mold grows it develops black on it. Under a microscope it will look like trees almost.

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This sounds a lot like mold. It can be dangerous to your health. You can call a mold removal expert to see what it will take to remove the mold.

What is the black mold on carrots?

One day I went out to eat and my carrots looked black. It didn't look like mold, but i wasn't sure so I didn't eat them. Later, at home a took a carrot and placed it over a match it formed a black ring just like the one in the restaurant. So, if you ever have a carrot with a black ring in it is from a fire or it is sometimes mold.

Is there a difference between black mold and toxic black mold?

Black Mold is a generic term for a group of fungi than includes things like bread mold and Penicillium. "Toxic black mold" is a common name for a group of molds that release spores that are toxic to us. It is a much punchier name!

What looks like Black hairy clump growing on ground fungus or mold?

Black bread mold is also called ergot. It is of the phylum Zygomycota of the Kingdom Fungi.

What type of mold does stale oatmeal look like?

I have to imagine that it'd look just like unspoiled oatmeal, only maybe with a little mold.

What type of mold grows on banana?

I recently did an experiment and two types of mold grew. One was a bluish green mold that grew on the surface and it was kind of like cheese mold. Another type that grew was a fluffy grayish mass of mold but it didn't look that much like mold. There were also black dots mixed in with that.

What mold grows on bread and what does it look like?

Bread mold "Rhizopus" grows on bread.At earlier stage it forms green mat,which is actually its maturity it imparts black colour due to its sporangia.

What does molasses look like when it's spoiled?

It looKs like mold

What does banana mold look like?

Different molds feed on apples and other fruits, but in general mold can be fuzzy or flat or chunky. It comes in every color of the rainbow, but I've mostly ever seen white and gray on my fruit or bread at home.