

What is time and what are black holes?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Before answering this question, I must explain what gravity is (Albert Einstein's theory).

Gravity is the deformation of space-time. Imagine space-time as a mattress. Place a heavy ball on the mattress. What will happen? The mattress will be deformed by the ball. Now roll a little ball on the mattress. What will happen? The ball will approach the heavy ball because of the deformation and will begin to rotate around the heavy ball.

N.B.: It is important to know that gravity and time are the same thing. The more space-time is distorted, the more time passes quickly.

N.B.: A planet that is smaller than another planet but has the same mass will deform more space-time.

Now that you know what gravity really is, I can begin to explain how black holes are created.

Every normal star has balance between its gravity and the pressure in its center. When a big star dies, the balance between the gravity and the pressure is destroyed: the gravity is stronger than the pressure. The star begins to collapse on itself. The mass remains the same, but the density increases. Because of that density, the space-time deforms more and more. In some time, the density of the star is so high that space-time rips. This zone is now called "Black hole".

Most galaxies have super black holes in their center. Scientist doesn't know how they were created.

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At any time.

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They would get closer and closer together until they merged.